Welcome to the Group of Algorithm Engineering

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Meyer
Institute for Computer Science
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Robert-Mayer-Straße 11-15
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Claudia Gressler
Room 314
Tel: +49-69-798-28325
Fax: +49-69-798-28814
Email: sekretariat@ae.cs.uni-frankfurt.de
Office Hours:
Thursday 10-12 and 13-16
or on appointment


June 23, 2024

ESA 2024 Submission accepted

December 01, 2023

Staff News - Alexander Leonhardt

Alexander Leonhardt joined the group as a new PhD student. Welcome, Alexander!

October 16, 2023

ALENEX 2024 Submission accepted

October 06, 2023

Staff News - Dr. Alexander Schickedanz

Alex Schickedanz successfully defended his PhD thesis on k-Shortest Path: Average-Case Analysis and Practical Improvements. Congrats, Dr. Schickedanz!!! Alex will stay a member of our AE group and work as a postdoc within the ELLVIS project.

September 29, 2023

CNA 2023 Submission accepted

July 10, 2023

PACE 2023 Winner

The PACE 2023 challenge asked to design and implement practical algorithms to compute contraction sequences of small twin-width. Together with our collegues from Holger Dell’s group and Frank Kammer’s group we contributed the winning heuristic solver and placed second in the exact track.

May 09, 2023

Staff News - Dr. Hung Tran

Hung Tran successfully defended his PhD thesis on Uniform Sampling of Simple Graphs with Prescribed Degrees and Experimental Algorithms for External Memory. Congrats, Dr. Tran!!! Hung will stay an affiliated member of our AE group and work as a postdoc within the CMMS Project at FIAS.

March 27, 2023

SEA 2023 Submission accepted

March 01, 2023

STOC 2023 Submission accepted

Group member Annamaria Kovacs coauthored a paper providing a proof of the Nisan-Ronen conjecture, which was accepted for presentation at STOC 2023.
PDF, Slides, Video Presentation.

January 20, 2023

Algorithms for Big Data Book finally published

Our LNCS survey book on the results of the SPP 1736 Priority Programme Algorithm for Big Data has just been published. Check it out here, open access!

November 30, 2022

WALCOM 2023 Submission accepted

Our paper on Certifying Induced Subgraphs in Large Graphs was accepted for presentation at WALCOM 2023. This is joint work with Konstantinos Tsakalidis.

October 15, 2022

ALENEX 2023 Submission accepted

Our paper on Parallel and I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Non-Linear Preferential Attachment was accepted for presentation at ALENEX 2023.

July 15, 2022

Book Chapter in Massive Graph Analytics (Bader ed.) finally in print

We are happy that our book chapter on Recent Advances in Scalable Network Generation is finally available in print. Here you can see the editor David Bader after unpacking his first copy of the book.

June 11, 2022

DFG SPP 1736 (Algorithms for Big Data) Final Event

We have celebrated the final meeting of our Big Data priority programme in Frankfurt with many members of both funding phases and and various invited talks.

December 10, 2021

IPDPS 2022 Submission accepted

Our paper on Parallel Global Edge Switching for the Uniform Sampling of Simple Graphs with Prescribed Degrees was accepted for presentation at IPDPS 2022. PDF

October 04, 2021

ALENEX 2022 Submission accepted

Our paper on Engineering Uniform Sampling of Graphs with a Prescribed Power-law Degree Sequence was accepted for presentation at ALENEX 2022. This is joint work with Nick Wormald. PDF

August 20, 2021

FOCS 2021 Submission accepted

Together with George Christodoulou and Elias Koutsoupias group member Annamaria Kovacs coauthored a paper on the Nisan-Ronen conjecture which was accepted for presentation at FOCS 2021.

April 28, 2021

ICALP 2021 Submission accepted

Together with colleagues at University of Liverpool and University of Oxford group member Annamaria Kovacs coauthored a paper on Truthful Allocation in Graphs and Hypergraphs which was accepted for presentation at ICALP 2021.

April 16, 2021

Staff News - Dr. Manuel Penschuck

Manuel Penschuck successfully defended his PhD thesis with deep results on the scalable generation of random graphs. Congrats, Dr. Penschuck!!! Manuel will stay a member of our AE group and continue to work as a postdoc within the DFG Research Group FOR 2975.

April 01, 2021

Staff News - Daniel Allendorf

Daniel Allendorf joined the group as a new PhD student. Welcome, Daniel!

March 10, 2021

SEA 2021 Submission accepted

Together with our Danish colleagues Gerth Brodal, Rolf Fagerberg, and David Hammer we coauthored a paper on an Experimental Study of External Memory Algorithms for Connected Components which was accepted for presentation at SEA 2021.

November 27, 2020

Staff News - Dr. David Hammer

David Hammer successfully defended his PhD thesis with results on algorithms and data structures for external memory, efficient simulation of population protocols, and first insights for fragile computing. Congrats, Dr. Hammer!!! The joint PhD project was carried out under the Cotutelle framework between the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and Goethe University Frankfurt.

June 20, 2020

ESA 2020 Submission accepted

Together with colleagues at Hamburg University and University of Southern Denmark we coauthored a paper on Simulating Population Protocols in Sub-Constant Time per Interaction which was accepted for presentation at ESA 2020. PDF, Video Presentation.

May 03, 2020

Forthcoming special issue on Algorithms for Big Data @ it - Information Technology

Ziawasch Abedjan and Ulrich Meyer have been guest-editing a new Special Issue of Algorithms for Big Data appearing soon in it - Information Technology. It contains several articles from reseachers working at the Berlin Big Data Center / BIFOLD and the DFG SPP 1736 Priority Programme on Algorithms for Big Data. Group members Manuel Penschuck and Ulrich Meyer contributed an update on Large-Scale Graph Generation.

April 29, 2020

DFG Research Group FOR 2975

The German Research Foundation grants funding for a new research group on Algorithms, Dynamics, and Information Flow in Networks. The group is headed by Martin Hoefer, the participating PIs are Petra Berenbrink (Hamburg), Nils Bertschinger, Amin Coja Oghlan, Ulrich Meyer (all Frankfurt/M), and Tobias Friedrich (HPI/Potsdam). The goals are to advance our understanding of dynamic processes on networks and their relation to efficient algorithms, e.g., in the analysis of spreading processes, distributed network algorithms, network generation models, as well as application domains such as financial markets.

April 21, 2020

Staff News - Dr. David Veith

David Veith successfully defended his PhD thesis on graph algorithms for approximate and dynamic settings in the external-memory model. Congrats, Dr. Veith!!! David has moved on to industry and is currently working with Dematic.

April 01, 2020

Staff News - Elizaveta Kovalevskaya

Elizaveta Kovalevskaya joined the group as a new PhD student. She will be working in the CMMS project. Welcome, Lisa!

March 14, 2020

ESA Test of Time Award

Ulrich Meyer (together with Peter Sanders from KIT) will be awarded the Test-of-Time Award of the European Symposium on Algorithms 2019 (ESA) at ESA 2020.
ESA is the premier European conference on algorithms research. The ESA Test-of-Time Award (ToTA) recognizes excellent papers in algorithms research that were published in the ESA proceedings 19 to 21 years ago which are still influential and stimulating for the field today. For 2019, the Award Committee selected

  • Ulrich Meyer, Peter Sanders
    Delta-Stepping: A Parallel Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm.
    Proceedings of ESA 1998, pp. 393-404. Link
    The full version appeared in J. Algorithms 49(1): 114-152 (2003) Link
March 03, 2020

SPP Spring School on Algorithms for Big Data

We successfully coorganized and ran the 3rd Indo-German Spring School on Algorithms for Big Data. It took place at IIIT Delhi and SNU during Feb 10th-13 2020.
Information on speakers and programme be found on the webpage of the school. There is also a report with pictures on the webpage of the DFG Office India.

February 09, 2020

STOC 2020 Submission accepted

Group member Annamaria Kovacs coauthored a paper on the Nisan-Ronen conjecture for submodular valuations which was accepted for presentation at STOC 2020.
A preliminary version can be found at arXiv.

September 10, 2019

Two Best Paper Awards at ESA 2019

Group members Manuel Penschuck and Ulrich Meyer coauthored two best papers at ESA 2019:
- On the Fragile Complexity of Comparison-Based Algorithms (Best Paper in Track A)
- On Efficiently Generating Geometric Inhomogeneous and Hyperbolic Random Graphs (Best Paper in Track B)